Remaining Happier - Chapter 29
SPIRE Check In
You’ve met the SPIRE Check In before at the beginning of the programme. The SPIRE Check In is designed to allow you to reflect on your wholebeing - the collective terms for all the interconnected pieces that comprise our wellbeing. It’s an opportunity for you to ask yourself not just ‘how am I doing?’ but “how am I really doing?’. It is designed to help you zoom in on specific aspects of your life, and then zoom out to see the interdependent whole.
At the very start of the Positive Change Project you did a self-check in using the SPIRE model. Go back and remind yourself of your baseline level of happiness. Now we’ve reached the end of the programme, it's time to check in again and see where you are in this moment.
Take some time to reflect on your current level of happiness regarding each of the elements below, and give yourself a score from 1-10, where 1 is low fulfilment and 10 is high fulfilment.
Remember, this number is not a grade or judgement on you. It’s simply a tool to help you develop more awareness about how things are going in specific areas.
As you can see, this SPIRE Check in is designed to encourage you to revisit it as part of an ongoing routine. Set a reminder on your phone for one month’s time so you can check in with yourself again. You may wish to do this at the same time you revisit your WOOP from My Commitments or you may prefer to alternative WOOPing and the SPIRE Check in.