Managing Stressful Times - Chapter 22
It’s OK Not To Be OK
Sometimes we find ourselves feeling intense negative emotions. When we experience emotions like anxiety or sadness or fear they can very easily overwhelm us. These emotions become the only thing we feel and as a result it can seem like we are trapped or paralysed.
One tool we can use to help alleviate these intense negative emotions is to recognise that it's ok, and to believe that feeling these emotions does not mean we are failing as humans, or that there is something profoundly wrong with us as people.
Below is a technique we can use to acknowledge, process and then find a way past our negative emotions. Take your time to slowly consider the following statement.
Right now I am feeling __________.
I am feeling __________ because I care.
And because I care I can take some action.
The action I will take is __________.
Write down the statement on a card or a piece of paper and carry it around with you. You can also write it down on your phone if that works best. When you feel trapped in negative emotions, take out the card and engage with the statement.